Well, I was so hoping to make it through this holiday season without so much as a sniffle. We aren't so lucky. The weather went from warm to cold in 2.9 seconds and I was sick. Then, I got better and now Rett is sick. And Rett isn't getting better. We are supposed to leave to go to PA on Thursday...let's all lay hands on him and pray this cold away! We have the vaporizer going non-stop, we have done the Vicks on the feet, we suction boogers continually and keep fluids down. We gave him a nice hot bath last night and have found a nice homeopathic medicine at Earthfare and it's working just not as fast as I want. He slept really well last night but today he's been miserable. But through all of this, he has found his hands and is very interested in them. It is so funny to watch him look at them and make sure they are doing what he wants. Well, time to go do some more snuggling and praying this cold away! If you think about us, pray for the little...