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Showing posts from 2017

I got a side hustle....

I recently became a shampoo girl... I wasn't looking for anything different.  I started a new job over the summer at Lighthouse Foster Care which I absolutely love.  I love the flexibility of it.  I love the atmosphere.  I love learning the ins and outs of foster care and eventually adoption.  I love serving the families and helping the agency grow because I truly believe it is the best in the area.  I love it. BUT.... As much as I love it and love serving in that capacity....THE LORD kept tugging at my heart... "Ashleigh, you need to get out more...Ashleigh, you have a gift....Ashleigh, are you loving people the best way you know how?" While none of these things have to do with shampoo or foster care, it does have to do with getting outside of my bubble.  I really struggle with being around people and a lot of people for that matter.  I have to do it in spurts and I have to prepare myself for it.  But THE LORD kept saying..."Ashlei...

New life....

I'm going to get this another shot.  It is such a great outlet to let our family see pics of my kids and share our lives. goes. Here is just a snapshot of what you can expect as I kick this back up.... I don't think I have posted since we had another kid.  My parent's bought a family farm so we are all out living on the Holland Homestead that I have so named it.  We have chickens!  The Lord has worked so many things out so I look forward to sharing with you those answered prayers.  I got a new job which I love.  Kraig's job has shifted.  We love our youth group and church.  Ya know....God is just so good and He provides beyond our wildest dreams. Life can still be messy and I look forward to sharing those stories with you too but here we are...just a family of 4 living life and loving Jesus through it. I look forward to sharing our lives with you and all the bumps and bruises along the way.