I have been struggling to get rid of a cough for about a week now. Sunday, it started with a sore throat and an achy back. So, I stayed in bed all day, hoping it would pass so I could go to work on Monday. Well, Monday started with a sore throat, headache and earache. So, because I so hate to go to doctors or take medicines, my husband and mother put on the guilt trip of having to take care of the baby ~ which is very true so I called into work and spend most of yesterday morning at the doctor's office. Now, you must know that I don't necessarily feel bad. I just have a cough that can't be broken and a few other minor symptoms but I feel fine for the most part. So, after waiting an HOUR to see the doctor...I have bronchitis. He gave me medicines and said if I'm not better by the end of the week to come back. So, here I sit on day 3 of not leaving the house. BORED. But I am thankful for this time of rest and my boss allowing the time to heal although I would much rather be with people than with my dogs. They do not talk back :( But they have been great company, they have slept by me, when I have coughing fits, they come and check on me, they make sure the baby is still moving, they are very comforting during the day. :) I have tried to rest though...that is very hard for me. I get bored real easy. So, I have cleaned the house, tried to take the dogs for a walk but Kraig catches me every time and says to get back in the house...I have surfed the web, caught up on all my shows, and Facebook stalked people :) I have tried to put this time to good use but then I just get tired, maybe because of the medicines or my body is still tired from all the coughing ~ who knows but I have tried to make good use of this time. But it hasn't really worked. I hope to be back at work tomorrow :) I have missed my kids, my co-workers and just seeing people. I can only hope.
I have made "TO DO" lists so I plan on chipping away on some of that today. I have to get addresses for the baby shower for my mom so I can do that and not really leave the bed ~ Right? I need to work on our budget, I can do that and not leave the bed. Hmmm...I need to make a few phone calls but I'm not sure I will try that one because I still sound like man. So, that may have to wait. I will report back to let you know how much gets done. I will probably slip in a nap also today. Doctor's orders ~ drink fluids, take my medicine and rest.
We had a baby appointment last week. Baby G is progressing great, I am doing well and everything looks good. She said I am measuring at 25 weeks....I am 23 weeks so he may be here before the expected due date of June 26. Goodness, time is flying by. We still have so much to do. Please pray for us. We have to find a place to live, we have to decide on a name (we are a bit closer on this though) we have to pay off the truck...so much to be done in a short 3 months. As the time approaches, I find myself getting more and more anxious and terrified. I am excited for him to be here but I have no idea what to do...I hear that from a lot of first time moms so I guess I 'm not alone in those fears but it still is so real when its me. This is going to be the most fun, scary adventure of our lives. I sure hope we are ready for this.
Well, I am going to get started on my list and try doing the dishes before I get tired :) I hope to rejoin the world tomorrow! Wish me luck!
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