But let's think about this. I'm not sure if any of you were like me in college but this is how I got through 4 years of it....
I would get my syllabus at the beginning of the semester just like everyone else. I would digest it along with my other class syllabuses and then begin to organize them all. I would get a new calendar every year and then put the due dates and then my due dates of when I wanted to have things done and then I would go to the store and buy new folders and sticky notes to help me along the process of passing my class and being super organized while doing it. Well, midway through the semester...I don't know if I got senioritis early (every year) or if I just lost the desire or I can attest to my last year that I met this dreamy baseball player whole stole my heart and I just lost all desire to finish school (I DID FINISH AND GRADUATE). But I don't know what would happen...I would begin to just lose interest and start projects the night before or study for tests the night before. Well, my biggest accomplishment which I am embarrassed to admit...I waited until the weekend before my senior paper (30 pages) was due to start it. That was a horrible weekend. All I did was type and then erase and start again...HORRIBLE. So, needless to say, my name is Ashleigh and I am a procrastinator. I am pretty sure I come by it honestly...shhhh...don't tell my mother. :)
It works for us.
Well, most of the time - until now.
Now, I know pregnancy is nothing like my college experience but I have been procrastinating. On some things...I have procrastinated on purpose, others - not so much. But I do think that this pregnancy is like a big test. Just go with me for a second. From the beginning, when we first found out we were pregnant...the first test was how we dealt with the news...me = shock, screams, fear...Kraig = fear and excitement. 2nd test...what do we do now...we had to start to find a place to live = well, we have passed that test and will hopefully be moving by the end of May. I know that is cutting it close but what can you do. I guess the Lord was testing us by our need to continue to trust in His timing and not ours. 3rd test...we had to get our finances in order. ME = yelling, crying, FEAR, and hatred of money. Kraig = we sell the truck and pay off 2 loans...easy as that. So, again...you see that I am scared to death of what will happen and Kraig is the logical one and BOOM we have a solution. However, we have not sold the truck yet and won't until May so I am a tad stressed about that but I feel much better. 4th test...still with finances but this time with our medical bills....I did wait too late for all of this however, I made a few phone calls, and got it all taken care of. Who knew that a few POLITE phone calls would get you were you need to be. :) And the Lord answered our prayers for our medical bills and we will be just fine. :) So, NO MORE WORRIES :) Now, all of these tests are well and good and so far, I would like to think we have passed each test. We may not have passed with A's but we have accomplished what needed to be accomplished. We may be moving in the week Baby Rett gets here but HEY, he will have a place to sleep and I am ok with that. But for the FINAL test, when Baby Rett gets here...Kraig and I will have to keep this child alive, disciple him into the man that God calls for him to be and love him unconditionally. All of those things are terrifying. I don't think the loving him part will be so hard because Kraig and I are already so fond of him and he's just swimming around in my belly...so the rest of it...all we can do is pray that Lord will equip us with knowledge and people around us to help grow this little guy into the man that God wants him to become. I am quite certain that He will do that because He hasn't failed us yet.
I know that pregnancy is nothing like college but it is similar to one BIG test...probably one of the biggest tests I (WE) have ever faced. I read a sermon once by John Piper...basically, my job as a parent is to train this kid up in the Lord...easier said than done.
That sounds like a huge test to me.
So, I ask that as we move along, for prayers for my procrastination issues :) And that we will continue to seek the Lord in how to raise a kid and spoil him like crazy :) We are so excited and can't wait for this journey no matter how scary it will be.
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