Thanks moms for all your help! After all the feedback, praying, talking it over with Kraig, research....we may have come up with some things to try in order to get Rett to the crib. First, let me say that all babies are different. haha Who knew! Schedules are important...and we have a pretty good schedule - not real strict but we have one that works for us. But now we are going to be stricter especially at bed time. But I am doing some trial and error things and trying to get him moved. So, first we are doing the cry-it-out method for naps but really I'm just letting him get tired and then letting fall asleep where ever he is....I know that's not the correct way of doing it and we don't last long but I give it a try at least once a day.... I am not a huge fan of the cry-it-out method but I am willing to give it a try. So, I am for naps. And let's see what else we are trying...we are doing a more strict regime at bedtime....trying new baby foods, b...