I had a friend tell me a few weeks ago, "It's always something."
She was talking in regards to her child...meaning there is always something happening. Whether we go from tooth to tooth to tooth or from tooth to sickness, or getting into everything or learning to walk - it's a process and it is constantly moving...there's no stopping. I truly believe this more than ever. Rett is even more constant than before, he goes non stop...he is probably weeks from walking and days from crawling. Although, if you count army crawling - HE'S CRAWLING. He goes all day long.
SIDE NOTE - for all of those praying for us and our sleeping habits - we are getting it under control and we are seeing some huge improvements. :) Maybe another blog later but for now, I just pray it keeps working.
But anyways....It is always something. That's true for real life too. Not just kids. I was thinking a few days ago about Kraig and my first apartment. Sometimes, I miss those days. It seemed so slow and peaceful during those days. I don't know what it was but we were just taking things in and enjoying married life ~ not to say we don't enjoy it now, because we do....felt I should reassure you.
So, where along the way did we go from peaceful to fast paced. It truly is always something. We finally made progress on school loans SO we decide we MAY want to try for another vehicle...or we MAY go on vacation....or we MAY do work on the house....but the point is, we were thinking we were going start saving the money but now we think we will just put it into another vehicle. Or to the house or SOMETHING. We are praying for guidance.
Not only with kids but with life, things are always going to happen. We may go through dry spells like our apartment life but something is bound to happen to get life going again. Yes, I miss the quiet days but there is something about a crying baby that makes it all worth it. Even the lack of sleep is fine when I watch him figure something new out. The lack of sleep is unimportant. We are cutting some more teeth so that exciting.
He is eating more and more real foods. He doesn't have a peanut allergy so far...he loves peanut butter toast. We tried mashed potatoes and they weren't a winner but we will try again. He loves yogurt and sweet potatoes. And he loves the Gerber Puffs. I enjoy watching him try new things. There is an unspeakable joy that comes with motherhood. One I would have never imagined. It is truly always something....
Here's some photos for your viewing pleasure :)
He got a new big boy car seat a few weeks ago. He's growing too fast.
Wearing Daddy's OCA hat in Academy :)
"Look Mom, I can crawl from the living room to the kitchen"
I love to eat babies in the mirror.
I see you.
Sleeps like his Daddy
Showing off those pearly whites
Loves to drink out of Mommy's cup
Sick baby this week...watching VeggieTales in Mommy and Daddy's bed
So, I look forward to what's next. I sit in anticipation. I also try to guess...that's always fun, right!! Maybe we will get a time of rest and just be watchful. One could be so lucky.
Hope you all are finding peace in this crazy life.
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